Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Torries Rocket Launch

A group called Starbase came to Torrie's school a couple of weeks ago. The program is in place to get young kids interested in math and science. They did a lot of awesome things. They made futuristic cars on a computer program, got to fly real flight simulators and make rockets. They also talked to the kids about healthy lifestyles and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. At the end of the week all of the 5Th grade got to set their rockets off! It was so much fun for me to go watch. I feel very blessed that I am able to go to Torrie's school events and support her!

Torrie's Rocket
Setting up: 80 5Th graders all with rockets:
Ready for take off: UP

And away:
These are the parachutes that were released after take off:
Torrie caught her rocket: I love this picture because she had no idea I was taking the picture but she was so stoked that her rocket went off without a hitch!
If you would like to find out more about starbase check out their website. http://www.starbasedod.com/

1 comment:

jesse and whit... said...

those pictures are so awesome. i love the ones of the rockets going off, and torrie is so cute. you're a great photographer. i bet it is so cool that torrie's school is right down the road... she should ride her bike there this spring! woods road is going to be beautiful in a few weeks with all the dogwoods. hope you're doing wonderful :)